MTQ-EV3 Device Guide
Chapter 7 – Chapter 7 Getting Started with the MTQ-
Developing with an MTQ in mbed
Build applications written for the MTQ are built on top of the mbed library and can include the MTSAS library for
easy cellular radio use.
The MTQ ships with AT pass-through firmware, which directly connects the cellular radio to the external serial port
on the MTUDK2-ST-CELL developer board. The firmware:
Runs at 115200 baud by default to match with the cellular radio’s default baud rate.
Prints debug messages from the debug port at 115200 baud.
Allows users to increase or decrease the application’s baud rate by entering a plus (+) or minus (-) character
on the USB debug port. Issuing a plus or minus character on the USB debug port changes the external serial
port speed as well as the speed of the link between the processor and the radio. The speed of the USB
debug port on reset is always 115200 to match the radio’s default regardless of the baud rate used at the
time of reset.
Uses RTS/CTS flow control on the serial connection to the radio and on the external serial connection.
Enables RTS/CTS flow control on terminal emulators used with the AT pass-through firmware.
MTSAS Library
The MTSAS software library on mbed provides a consistent interface to the cellular radio on each MTQ module.
The interface includes:
TCP sockets.
UDP sockets.
HTTP/HTTPS requests.
SMS messaging.
GPS if supported by the radio.
Access to common radio information like signal strength, registration, etc.
The library provides an easy-to-use API for interacting with the cellular radio. It identifies the radio and uses proper
AT commands for that radio type, which allows the same application to run on multiple MTQ models with no
software changes. The library and example programs are available at:
mbed Documentation
ARM mbed is a free, open-source platform and operating system for embedded devices using the ARM Cortex-M
microcontrollers. The mbed website provides free software libraries, hardware designs, and online tools for rapid
prototyping of products. The platform includes a standards-based C/C++ SDK, a microcontroller HDK, and
supported development boards, an online compiler and online developer collaboration tools.