MEA Signal Generator:
The 60-, 120- or 256MEA Signal Generator is used for setting up an experiment with
sample data for training, controlling, and troubleshooting purposes. Please insert the signal generator (orientation:
you can read the “ON” and “1 2” on the switch) and test your system with this artificial data and make yourself
comfortable with the software settings before starting an experiment with biological samples.
You can find the instructions for the signal generators in its bag, on the provided USB stick (Manuals/MEA_Signal_
Generator_Manual.pdf) or online at www.multichannelsystems.com/downloads/documentation.
When working with biological samples, please insert the MEAs in correct orientation.
MEAs are not symmetrical! Standard MEAs with one big internal reference
electrode should be placed with the reference electrode to the left side in the headstage.
Otherwise, the MEA layout will not match with the pin layout of the channel map in the
data acquisition programs from MCS. For the orientation of special MEAs, please read
the respective datasheet. You can find instructions for the handling of the MEAs on the
provided USB stick (Manuals/MEA_Manual.pdf) or online. Datasheets for each MEA type
are available online at www.multichannelsystems.com/products/microelectrode-arrays.
Setting up a MEA2100-System
For more information:
• Manuals on the provided USB stick
• www.multichannelsystems.com/
MEA2100-System: Installation Guide
© 2018
Multi Channel Systems MCS GmbH
Product information is subject to change without notice.
Products that are referred to in this document may be
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claim to these trademarks.
Multi Channel Systems
Aspenhaustraße 21
72770 Reutlingen
Phone +49-7121-909 25 25
Fax +49-7121-909 25 11
[email protected]
In Case You Experience any Problems
Consult the manuals provided on the included USB stick or online
If you do not find help in the manuals, please do not hesitate
to contact our support team via:
- Email: [email protected]
- Our support form at
In order to keep your software up-to-date and stay tuned to all
MCS news, please subscribe to our newsletter via our web site
(“Subscribe Newsletter”).
We hope that your setup was successful and you can now start your
We wish you great progress with your research and are happy to help
you with any further questions!
Your MCS team
Test of the System and Preparation for Experiment
1. Connect the PPS2 with the power supply
unit to the power outlet.
Connect the PPS2 with the USB cable A-B
to the computer for PPS2 software control
(possible via an USB hub).
3. Connect the tubes of the PPS2 to the
perfusion solution, the PH01, the perfusion
out and the waste bottle. Please follow the
instructions on the leaflet in the tube bag.
Adjust the flow rate.
Power Supply
USB 2.0 Cable A-B
PPS2 Rear Panel
Perfusion In
(via PH01)
Perfusion Out (from MEA)
Waste Bottle
Perfusion Solution
Connection of the Peristaltic Perfusion System PPS2
Power Outlet
USB 2.0 Port