3. Oblique
The oblique exercise targets the oblique muscles of your abdominal wall. Rub
your fingertips up and down your stomach between your ribs and hips to
activate the oblique muscles and improve mind/body connection. Adjust the
length of the suspension strap by pressing the cam buckle before putting any
weight onto the support pad. Face the anchor point positioning the AB-EZE
support pad around the level of your hips with your hips facing toward one
side. Place one foot against the wall and the other foot steps back onto the
floor. If you are facing to the right, the support pad is around the right hip, and
the right foot steps back. Inhale as you lean back and exhale as you perform
the crunch. When you exhale, concentrate on contracting the stomach muscles
as you decrease the space between your lower ribs and your hip bones. Keep
your shoulders relaxed away from ears.