MTD 31AE6BHE718 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание 31AE6BHE718

Страница 1: ...systemis equippedwitha sparkarrestermeetingapplicablelocalor statelaws if any If a sparkarresteris used it shouldbemaintainedineffectiveworkingorderby the operator In theStateof Californiathe aboveis requiredbylaw Section4442of the CaliforniaPublicResources Code Otherstatesmayhavesimilarlaws Federallawsapplyonfederallands A sparkarrester for the muffleris availablethroughyour nearestengineauthoriz...

Страница 2: ...m the Customer Support Department or an authorizedservice dealer IViTD LLC P O BOX 361131 CLEVELAND OH 44136 330 220 4683 www mtdproducts com_ 8oo 8oo 731 o J Customer Support Please do VOTreturn the unit to the retailer from which it was purchased without first contacting Customer Support Ifyou have difficulty assemblingthis product or have any questions regardingthe controls operationor maintena...

Страница 3: ...he factory Cut the cabletie beforeoperatingthe snowthrower _ ARNING Never use your hands to clear a clogged chute assembly Shut off engine and remain behind handles until all moving parts have stopped before using the clean out tool to clear the chute assembly 3 iil _I ii_ _ i _iii_ i _ _ii_ ii WARNING This symbolpoints out importantsafety instructionswhich if not followed could endangerthe person...

Страница 4: is in operation Stopmachineif anyoneentersthe area 6 7 Exercisecautionto avoidslippingor falling especially 7 whenoperatingin reverse 8 9 Preparation Thoroughlyinspectthe areawherethe equipmentis to be used Removealldoormats newspapers sleds boards wiresand otherforeignobjects whichcouldbetripped over orthrownbythe auger impeller Alwayswearsafetyglassesor eyeshieldsduringoperation andwhile perf...

Страница 5: ...devices Checktheir proper operationregularly Referto the maintenanceandadjust mentsectionsof this manual 2 Beforecleaning repairing or inspectingmachinedisen gageall controlleversandstopthe engine Wait untilthe auger impellercometo a completestop Disconnectthe sparkplugwire and groundagainstthe engineto prevent unintendedstarting 3 Checkboltsand screwsfor propertightnessat frequent intervalsto kee...

Страница 6: ... MaintenanceSection I of thismanualfor more information 1 Observethe lowerrearareaof the snowthrowerto besure bothcablesarealignedwith rollerguides beforepivotingthe handleupward 2 Securethe handleby tighteningthe plasticwing knoblocatedon boththe leftand rightsidesof the handle Removeanddiscardany rubberbands if present Theyare for packaging purposesonly 3 Positionthe chuteassemblyoverthe base 4 ...

Страница 7: ...dthrownby the augercausingpersonal injury ordamageto the snowthrower The snowthrowerskidshoesareadjustedupwardat the factoryfor shippingpurposes Adjustthemdownward if desired priorto operatingthe snowthrower Referto Skid Shoeson page12 NOTE If youchooseto operatethe snowthroweron a gravelsurface keepthe skidshoesin positionfor maximumclearancebetweenthe groundandthe shave plate Tire Pressure Befor...

Страница 8: ...otential NOTE Fordetailedstartinginstructionsandmore informationonall enginecontrols referto the Tecumseh EnginesmanualpackedseparatelyandStarting The Engine onpage10of thismanual Shift Lever The shiftleveris locatedon the right sideof the handlepanel Placethe shift leverintoanyof eight positions to controlthe directionof traveland groundspeed Forward Therearesixforward F speeds Posi tionone 1 is ...

Страница 9: ...tdownward whenoperatingongravelorcrushedrocksurfaces Recoil Starter Handle Thishandleis usedto manuallystart the engine Electric Starter Button Pressingtheelectricstarterbuttonengagesthe engine s electricstarterwhenpluggedintoa 120Vpowersource Electric Starter Outlet Requirestheuse of a three prongoutdoorextensioncord included anda 120Vpowersource wailoutlet Augers Whenengaged the augersrotateandd...

Страница 10: ... OFFpositioninsteadof FULL 3 Pushthe primertwoor threetimesfor coldengine start makingsureto coverventholein thecenterof the primerwhenpushing NOTE DONOTuseprimerto restartawarmengine aftera shortshutdown 4 Pushstarterbuttonto start engine 5 Oncethe enginestarts immediatelyreleasestarter button 6 Asthe enginewarms slowlyrotatethe chokecontrol to the OFFposition Ifthe enginefalters quicklyrotate th...

Страница 11: re comfortablewith 2 Squeezetheaugercontrolagainstthe handleandthe augerswill turn Releaseit andthe augerswill stop 3 Squeezethedrivecontrolagainstthehandlethe snow throwerwill move Releaseit anddrivemotionwill stop To Engage Augers 1 Toengagetheaugersandstart throwingsnow squeezethe augercontrolagainstthe left handle Releaseto stopthe augers Auger Control Test Performthe followingtest beforeo...

Страница 12: ... the i engine is running exceptwhere speci fied in operator s _manual Figure 4 Chute Assembly Thedistancesnowis throwncan beadjustedbychanging the angleof the chuteassembly To doso 1 Stopthe engineby removingthe ignition keyand loosenthe plasticwing knobfound onthe left sideof the chuteassembly 2 Pivotthe chuteupwardordownwardbeforeretighten ingthe wingknob SeeFigure4 Skid Shoes Thespacebetweenthi...

Страница 13: ... adjustment Proceedas follows 5 Loosenthe lowerhex nut onthe drivecablebracket See Figure6 6 Positionthe bracketupwardto providemoreslack or downwardto increasecabletension 7 Retightenthe lowerhexnut Chute Bracket Adjustment Ifthe spiralat the bottomof the chutedirectionalcontrol is notfullyengagingwiththechuteassembly the chute bracketcan be adjusted Todo so 1 loosenthe twonutswhichsecurethechute...

Страница 14: ...haft At leastonce a season removethe shearpinson auger shaft Spraylubricantinside shaft aroundthe spacers Alsolubricatethe flangebearingsfoundat eitherendof the shaft SeeFigure9 Gear Case Theaugergearcasehas beenfilled withgreaseat the factory If disassembled for any reason lubricatewith twoouncesof grease Part Number737 0168 f Figure 8 I I I Bearing Figure 9 NOTE Donot overfillthe gearcase Damage...

Страница 15: ...rpulley and slipthe beltbetweenthe supportbracketandthe augerpulley Reassemble augerbelt by following instructionsin reverseorder NOTE Do NOTforgetto reinstallthe shoulderscrew andreconnectthe springto the frameafterinstallinga replacementaugerbelt NOTE Although multi viscosity oils 5W30 0W30 etci improvestarting in cold Weather these multi Viscosity oilSalso reSUlt higher oil consump_ tion when u...

Страница 16: ...thrower When replacingpins sprayanoil lubricantintoshaft beforeinserting new pins Drive Belt Replacement Toremoveand replaceyoursnowthrower saugerbelt proceedas follows 1 Removetheplasticbelt coveron thefrontof the engineby removingthe twoself tappingscrews Drainthe gasolinefromthe snowthrower or placea pieceof plasticunderthe gas cap Carefullypivotthe snowthrowerupand forwardso thatit restson the...

Страница 17: ...x shaftdownwardandto the leftbeforecarefullyslidingthefrictionwheel assemblyoff the shaft NOTE Ifyou rereplacingthe frictionwheelassembly as a whole discardthe wornpartand slidethe newpart ontothe hex shaft Followthe stepsabovein reverse orderto reassemblecomponents Ifyou redisassem blingthe frictionwheeland replacingonly the rubber ring proceedas follows 4 Removethe four screwswhichsecurethe fric...

Страница 18: ...repareyour snowthrowerfor storage _ ARNING Drainfuel into an ap proved container outdoors away from any open flame Be certain engine is cool Do not smoke Fuel left in engine during warm weather deteriorates and will cause serious starting problems Removeall gasolinefromthecarburetorandthe fuel tankto preventgumdepositsfromformingon these partsand harmingtheengine Runthe engineuntilthe fuel tankis ...

Страница 19: ...Loosepartsordamagedauger Vibration Stop engineimmediately and disconnectsparkplugwire Tighten all boltsandnuts If vibration continues haveunit servicedby a MTDServiceCenter Unitfails 1 Drivecontrolcablein needof adjust 1 Adjustdrivecontrolcable Referto to propel itself merit MakingAdjustments 2 Drivebeltlooseor damaged 2 Replacedrivebelt Unitfails 1 Chuteassemby clogged 1 Stop engineimmediately an...

Страница 20: ...Style H i i 2O ...

Страница 21: ...lAssembly LH 30 684 04108 SpiralAssembly RH 31 731 04870 Spacer 1 25ODx 75 IDx 1 00 32 736 0188 Washer Fiat 76x 1 49x 06 33 741 0493A Bushing Flange 80 IDx 91OD 34 790 00087A Housing 1 HexBearing 35 790 00117 ShavePlate 2 25 x 21 66 790 00120 ShavePlate 2 25 x 23 66 790 00121 ShavePlate 2 25 x 25 66 790 00118 ShavePlate 2 25 x 27 66 Pa rts List 21 NOTE Snowthrowerfeaturesandcomponentsvaryby model ...

Страница 22: ...Style H _9_ i i 22 ...

Страница 23: ...3 8 Rod 29 735 0234 Grommet 44 IDx 94OD x 50 30 736 0185 Washer Fiat 375x 738x 063 31 736 0451 Washer Saddle 320x 93x 060 32 _747 04263 _Eye Bolt ChuteCrank 33 749 04138 Handle Lower 34 749 04141 Handle Upper RH 35 749 04142 Handle Upper LH 36 731 04912A Chute Lower 5 0 Diameter 37 710 0276 LBolt Carriage 5 16 18 1 0 38 712 04063 Nut FlangeLock 5 16 18 Nylon 39 710 04071 Bolt Carriage 5 16 18 1 0 ...

Страница 24: ...Style H 24 ...

Страница 25: 40 710 0106 HexScrew 1 4 20 1 25 Gr5 41 710 0191 HexScrew 3 8 24 1 25 Gr8 42 710 0672 HexScrew 5 16 24 1 25 Gr5 43 710 0654A Screw Seres 3 8 16 1 00 44 710 1245B HexScrew 5 16 24 875 Gr8 45 712 04064 Nut FlangeLock 1 4 20 Nylon 46 726 04012 Nut Push on 25Dia Pa rts List RimOnly 634 04151 634 04151 634 04151 54 750 04303 Spacer 875IDx 1 185OD 55 750 04477 Spacer 340x 750x 360 56 754 04050 Belt ...

Страница 26: ...NOTES 26 ...

Страница 27: ...NOTES 27 ...

Страница 28: ...justments andnormaldeterioration of the exteriorfinishdueto use orexposure d Servicecompletedby someoneotherthananauthorizedservice dealer e MTDdoes notextendany warrantyfor productssoldor exported outsideof the UnitedStates itspossessionsandterritories except thosesoldthroughMTD sauthorizedchannelsof exportdistribution f Replacement partsthatarenot genuineMTDparts g Transportation chargesand serv...
