«NPK Morsvyazavtomatica» LLC
Operating manual
Page 13
Table 8 – Checklist № 2. Operability check of the Product
To be done
Man-hours per 1
Check operability
of the Product
1 switch on power supply;
2 Power LED on the piano type switch (located on the
casing side) shall glow green;
3 take the voltage on the load terminals
1 person
5 mins
The Product and set of operational documents are stored in preserved condition in Man-
ufacturer’s packaging boxes.
The time of represervation – 2 years from the Manufacturer’s commissioning.
The preservation is done in full terms, for 2 years, applying protection and packaging.
The represervation is done in heated rooms in the same order as the preservation.
The represerved Product and documents are placed in package