MSA Grid - FieldSever Manager Setup
The MSA Grid is MSA Safety’s device cloud solution for IIoT. Integration with the MSA Grid - FieldServer Manager
enables the a secure remote connection to field devices through a FieldServer and hosts local applications for
device configuration, management, as well as maintenance. For more information about the FieldServer
Manager, refer to the
MSA Grid - FieldServer Manager Start-up Guide
Choose Whether to Integrate the FieldServer Manager
When first logging onto the EZ Gateway, the Web App will open on the FieldServer Manager page.
NOTE: If a warning message appears instead, go to Section
11.6 FieldServer Manager Connection Warning
to resolve the connection issue.
Either go through the FieldServer Manager setup to integrate cloud functionality to the FieldServer or opt out.
For FieldServer Manager setup, continue with instructions in the following sections
To opt out of the FieldServer Manager, click on a tab other than the Grid FieldServer Manger tab, click the checkbox
next to “Opt out of Grid FieldServer Manager Registration” in the Warning window that appears and click the Exit
Registration button
To ignore FieldServer Manager setup until the next time the Web App is opened, click a tab other than Grid
FieldServer Manager and then click the Exit Registration button with the “Opt out” checkbox unchecked
NOTE: If user setup is already complete go to Section
EZ Gateway Modbus to BACnet Start-up Guide