6 Commissioning
Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH 2020
5293079/01 EN
6.2 Transporting transformer to the operating site
Damage to motor-drive unit!
Damage to the motor-drive unit due to condensate in protective housing of
motor-drive unit.
► Always keep protective housing of the motor-drive unit tightly closed.
► In the event of downtime lasting more than 8 weeks prior to initial com-
missioning, connect and operate the anti-condensation heater in the mo-
tor-drive unit. If this is not possible, place a sufficient amount of desiccant
in the protective housing.
6.2.1 Transport with drive removed
1. Ensure that the drive and the on-load tap-changer are in the adjustment
2. Remove the drive.
3. Do not actuate the drive while the on-load tap-changer is uncoupled and
do not turn the output shaft.
4. Do not actuate an on-load tap-changer which is uncoupled and do not turn
its drive shaft.
5. Transport the drive to the installation site in the MR delivery packaging.
Section 5.5.3, Page 148] and the drive shaft to the trans-
former at the installation site.
6.2.2 Transport with full transformer tank and without oil conservator
Attach a connecting lead between the on-load tap-changer's oil compartment
and the transformer tank if the transformer has been transported with a full
tank and without an oil conservator.
► Establish a connecting lead on the on-load tap-changer head between
connections E2 and Q or E2 and R.
Figure 211: Connecting lead