Custom Gas (User Gas) in VOC Mode
Calibration Gas
Measurement Gas
can be selected in VOC Mode from a list of a few
hundred compounds. If the Measurement and Cal Gas are different, a correction factor is
calculated and applied to make the sensor display in concentration equivalents of the
measurement gas.
To set a
Custom Gas,
overwrite “Custom Gas 1” (User Gas 1) with the chemical name and
press the ‘Return’ key. Enter the molecular weight (m.w.) and correction factor for a 9.8 eV PID
lamp. The molecular weight is only needed when gas units of mg/m
are used; if not, leave the
m.w. at 0 or 1. By clicking the “Save User Gas” box on the right of the screen, the factors are
sent to the instrument without sending any other configurations. The “Reset User Gas” button
sets all values back to factory default on both the instrument and the mPower Suite panel.
Return to the Configuration screen, select the Custom/User Gas in the Measurement Gas menu,
edit the alarm limits if needed, and click “Write” to ensure that the new gas is selected on the
mPower Custom Gas Screen