OnCell G3100 Series
Configuring Serial Port Operation Modes
Destination address 1 through 2 (default=None):
Specifying an IP address allows the OnCell G3100 to
connect actively to the remote host. At least one destination must be provided.
TCP port (default=60950):
This is the TCP port number assignment for the remote host/server. It is the port
number that the OnCell G3100’s serial port uses to establish connections with a remote host/server. To avoid
conflicts with well-known TCP ports, the default is set to 60950.
Command port (default=60966):
The Command port is the COM port for listening to SSDK commands from
the host. In order to prevent a COM port conflict with other applications, the user can set the Command port to
another port if needed.
Up to 2 connections can be established between OnCell G3100 hosts.
Port 60950 might be blocked by a firewall. You should make sure the port is NOT blocked before you start
using it.
The destination IP address parameter can be the IP address, domain name, or the name defined in the host
Designated local port 1 through 2 (default=7010 through 7320):
Use these fields to specify the
designated local ports.
Connection goes down (default=always high):
You can configure what happens to the RTS and DTR
signals when the Cellular or Ethernet connection goes down. For some applications, serial devices need to know
the Cellular or Ethernet link status through RTS or DTR signals sent through the serial port. Use “always low”
if you want the RTS and DTR signal to change their state to low when the Cellular or Ethernet connection gets
disconnected. Use “always high” if you do not want the cellular or Ethernet connection status to affect the RTS
or DTR signals.
Packet length (default=0):
The Packet length setting refers to the maximum amount of data that is allowed
to accumulate in the serial port buffer before sending. At the default of 0 for packet length, no maximum
amount is specified and data in the buffer will be sent as specified by the delimiter settings or when the buffer
is full. When a packet length between 1 and 1024 bytes is specified, data in the buffer will be sent as soon it
reaches the specified length.
Delimiter 1 and Delimiter 2 (default=None):
When Delimiter 1 is enabled, the serial port will queue the
data in the buffer and send the data to the Cellular or Ethernet port when a specific character, entered in hex
format, is received. A second delimiter character may be enabled and specified in the Delimiter 2 field, so that
both characters act as the delimiter to control when data should be sent.
In order to enable a delimiter, packet length must be set to 0. Delimiter 2 should only be enabled in
conjunction with Delimiter 1 and never on its own; otherwise there may be data errors. Even when a delimiter
is enabled, the OnCell G3100 will still pack and send the data when the amount of data exceeds 1 KB.
Delimiter process (default=Do Nothing):
The Delimiter process field determines how the data is handled
when a delimiter is received. Delimiter 1 must be enabled for this field to have effect. If Delimiters 1 and 2 are
both enabled, both characters must be received for the delimiter process to take place.
Do Nothing:
Data in the buffer will be transmitted when the delimiter is received.
+ 1:
Data in the buffer will be transmitted after 1 additional byte is received following the
Del 2:
Data in the buffer will be transmitted after 2 additional bytes are received following the