AirWorks AWK-3131A
Web Console Configuration
E-mail Notifications
Notification Event Types
Check the box for Active to enable the event items. All default values are deactivated (unchecked).
Detailed descriptions of the event types are available in the
System Logs
E-mail Server Settings
You can set up to 4 e-mail addresses to receive alarm emails from the AWK-3131A. The following
parameters can be configured on the E-mail Server Settings page. In addition, a Send Test Mail button
can be used to test whether the Mail server and e-mail addresses work well. More detailed explanations
about these parameters are given after the following figure.
AWK-3131A does not support Google and Yahoo SMTP server services in firmware V1.6.
Mail server (SMTP)
Factory Default
IP address
The IP Address of your email server.