172Bug Implementation
If you have used one or more of Motorola’s other debugging packages, you
will find the CISC 172Bug very similar. Some effort has also been made
to improve the consistency of interactive commands. For example,
delimiters between commands and arguments may be commas or spaces
172Bug Implementation
Physically, 172Bug is contained in a 28F160S5 Flash memory chip,
providing 512KB (128K longwords) of storage. Optionally, the 172Bug
firmware can be loaded and executed in a single 27C040 DIP EPROM
installed in socket XU1. The executable code is checksummed at every
power-on or reset firmware entry, and the result (which includes a
precalculated checksum contained in the memory devices) is tested for an
expected zero. Users are cautioned against modification of the memory
devices unless precautions for re-checksumming are taken.
MVME172P4 boards ordered without the VMEbus interface
are shipped with Flash memory blank (the factory uses the
VMEbus to program the Flash memory with debugger code).
To use the 172Bug package, be sure that switch S4 segment
5 is configured to select the EPROM memory map.
If you subsequently wish to run the debugger from Flash
memory, you must first initialize Flash memory with the
PFLASH command, then reconfigure S4. Refer to Step 15
(Note) under
Bringing up the Board
on page 2-5
for further
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