When sharing photos and videos
When deciding how to
your photos or videos, consider these factors:
Resolution (high versus low) of the photo or video; high resolution uses more data
Number of photos to share (one photo or a few or an entire vacation album)
Whether you want to share on the internet or from device-to-device
Length of availability for sharing
Ways to share
Nearby Share
Good for:
Sharing securely with nearby people who have Android phones
Sharing a link, a contact, one or a few photos
Fast, immediate sharing
Things to consider:
The other phone must be within 1 foot (30 cm).
No Wi-Fi or cellular data connection required.
Good for:
Sharing one photo or a low-resolution video
Sharing with a friend or group
Sharing immediately, as an event is happening
Things to consider:
You and your recipients must have cellular data plans to receive multimedia text
Sending high resolution photos via text message uses more more data.
Photos and video remain available until the recipient deletes the message.
High quality videos are too large and cannot be shared in text messages.
Learn how
Good for:
Settings : Connected devices