Motorola GPS Products
M12 Oncore User’s Guide Supplement
Revision 1.0 01/25/00
Receiver/Controller Command Descriptions
Receiver Command Descriptions
Motorola Receiver Commands may be used to initialize, configure, control and monitor the
GPS receiver while using the controller software command line interface. Each mnemonic
receiver command is translated to the appropriate Motorola Binary command and sent to
the receiver.
Checksums are calculated by the controller software and should not be added to
the mnemonic command string.
Binary Controller
Command Command
Satellite Mask Angle @@Ag mask 111
Satellite Ignore List @@Am ignore 111
Select Datum @@Ao datum 111
Set User Datum @@Ap udatum 112
Ionospheric/Tropospheric Correction @@Aq ion 112
Position – Hold Position @@As php 113
Altitude – Hold Height @@Au ahp 113
UTC Time Correction Select @@Aw utc 113
1PPS Cable Delay @@Az ppsdelay 114
Position Lock Parameters @@AM lockp 114
Velocity Filter @@AN filter 114
RTCM Port Mode @@AO p2baud 115
Position Filter Enable @@AQ pfilter 115
Position Lock Enable @@AS locke 115
Visible Satellite Status @@Bb vis 116
Almanac Status @@Bd alm 116
Almanac Data Output @@Be almout 117
Ephemeris Data Input @@Bf ephin 117
UTC Offset Status @@Bo utcoff 118
UTC/Ionospheric Data @@Bp utcion 118
Almanac Data Input @@Cb almin 119
Set-to-Defaults @@Cf default 119
Switch to NMEA @@Ci ioformat 120
Receiver ID @@Cj id 120
ASCII Position Output @@Eq as8 121
Combined Position @@Ga compo 121
Combined Time @@Gb comtim 122
1PPS Control @@Gc ppscon 122
Position Control @@Gd holdcon 123
Leap Second Status @@Gj leap12 123
ID Tag @@Gk vin 123
Position/Status/Data Message (12 Channel) @@Ha ps12 1 f 124
Short Position Message (12 Channel) @@Hb psd 124
Oscillator Learning Table @@Hq olt 125
Self-Test (12 Channel) @@Ia selftest12 125
Содержание M12 Oncore
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