Adding Users
1. In the site Setup tab, click
2. In the Users tab, click
Add User
3. When the Add/Edit User dialog box appears, complete the User Information area.
4. If you don’t want this user to be active yet, select the
Disable user
check box. Disabled users are in the
system but cannot access the site.
5. In the Login Timeout area, select the
Enable login timeout
check box to set the maximum amount of time
the Avigilon Control Center Client software can be idle before the user is automatically logged out of the
6. Select the
Member Of
tab to assign the user to a group.
a. Select the check box beside each access group the user belongs to.
The other columns display the permissions that are included in the selected groups.
b. Return to the
7. In the Password area, complete the following fields:
— enter a password for the user.
Confirm Password:
— re-enter the password.
— indicates the strength of the password. The strength is defined by the group the user
is assigned to. If the user is a member of more than one group, the user must meet the strongest
password requirement.
The password must meet the minimum strength requirements.
— password meets the strength requirements.
— password does not meet the strength requirements, enter a new password.
The password strength is defined by how easy it is for an unauthorized user to guess. If your
password does not meet the strength requirements, try entering a series of words that is easy for
you to remember but difficult for others to guess.
Require password change on next login
— select this check box if the user must replace the
password after the first login.
Password Expiry (Days):
— specify the number of days before the password must be changed.
Password never expires
— select this check box if the password never needs to be changed.
8. Click
. The user is added to the site.
Repeat this procedure to add all the users that are required.
Advanced Settings
After you've set up all the required settings in the ACC Client software, the system can start running.
Adding Users