GenStar MPPT
5.9 Commands
Commands can be accessed in the main LiveView dashboard, or in the primary meter screen.
Commands are used to control the functions in Sections 5.9.1 - 5.9.6 below. Also see LiveView
Command screens for further details.
5.9.1 Toggle Load Terminal Output Commands
Load Output
- force the load off. Useful for service/maintenance activities or ensuring the load does
not run for a period of time.
LVD Override (15 min)
- turn on the load when it is in Low Voltage Disconnect State for 15 minutes.
After 15 minutes the load will turn back off and resume LVD state. The user can override LVD and
unlimited number of times, but too many overrides will cause over-discharge and possible battery
5.9.2 Counters Commands
Clear-reset counters using commands:
All Resettable Counters -
resets the Resettable A-h and Resettable kW-h counter values to zero.
Resettable counters are intended to track mostly in the short-term, for example, accumulations since
a battery replacement, or a new load was added to a system.
All Total Counters
- clears the Total A-h and Total kW-h counter values to zero. Total counters are
intended to track long-term / lifetime accumulations of a system.
5.9.3 Toggle Battery Charger Command
Connect or disconnect charging functions using commands:
Manual Equalization -
Manually start or stop an equalize charge on a lead-acid battery. This
command is only functional for battery charging profiles with Equalization enabled
Battery Charger -
Override normal operation and force the battery charger to a disconnected state.
The GenStar MPPT will not charge the battery while the charger is in disconnected state.
5.9.4 System Commands
Activate System commands:
Reboot Control -
Software resets the GenStar MPPT. All controller functions, including battery
charging and power to the loads, will cease until the reboot is complete.
5.9.5 External Source Control (ESC) Commands
Control external source signal with commands:
• Enable External Source Control relay - available only in Custom ESC
• Disable External Source Control relay - available only in Custom ESC
• Manual External Source Control ENABLE-DISABLE command - available only in manual ESC,
with ReadyRelay assigned to ESC Start-Stop
• E-Stop - de-energizes the ESC relay immediately. Available only with ReadyRelay assigned
to ESC Start-Stop.
5.9.6 ReadyRelay Commands
ReadyRelay commands can be toggled ON-OFF when there are assigned-available ReadyRelays.
Relays can also be scheduled for automatic operation.
Only a ReadyRelay that has been assigned as, "Command/Schedule", can be triggered with
commands. To configure ReadyRelays, enter the installer access password 141 in main LiveView
Screen and go to Installer Setup\Ready Blocks to configure Relay Block functions.
Installed Relay Blocks will be listed by positions 1-3 (maximum), and show Relay A and/or B. Position
1 is the first block on the left.
5.10 History
The History Page consists of Daily Records and Event Logging as seen in 5.10.1 and 5.10.2 below.
The Event Logger provides real-time time stamping of system events on all aspects of operation.
Combined, the history features provide a full picture that allows users to assess performance and
investigate operational issues.
5.10.1 Daily Records
Daily Records
Displays the following records for the current day, and generally back for a year in time - depending
on how many daily variables are logged:
• Battery NET (A-h)
• Charging Timers (mins)
• Absorption
• Float
• Equalize
• Max. Battery Voltage (V)
• Min. Battery Voltage (V)
• Max. Battery Temperature (°C)
• Min. Battery Temperature (°C)
• Array Voltage max