GenStar MPPT
For more standard settings infomation, and further custom settings adjustment, expand the Installer
Setup bar at the bottom of the section.
Battery State-of-Charge (SoC) LED Indications
Enter the voltage values that correspond with the desired LED color or combination of colors for that
With a BMS Block installed and configured, battery SoC indications can be based on an actual
battery SoC percentage.
Maximum Regulation Voltage -
sets the absolute maximum battery voltage limit. The charger will
not charge above this value regardless of charge stage target voltage or temperature compensation
Maximum Equalization Current Limit -
sets an absolute limit on the amount of Equalization Stage
charging current.
Battery High Voltage Disconnect-Reconnect (HVD-HVR) -
et voltages at which charging
current ceases (HVD) and then resumes (HVR)
Temperature Compensation Coefficient (mV/
C) -
set to
adjust the
charging set-point to optimize
charging for different battery temperatures
Minimum Temperature Compensation Limit -
set the lowest temperature at which temperature
compenstaion will occur. Temperature compensation will not occur below this temperature.
Maximum Temperature Compensation Limit -
set the highest temperature at which temperature
compenstaion will occur. Temperature compensation will not occur above this temperature.
Low-Temperature Current Foldback (0%, 100%) - low and high temperature settings
The GenStar MPPT has a Low Temperature Foldback option which can be used to protect lithium
batteries from being charged in cold conditions. Use this setting to define the bounds of charge
current reduction due to low battery temperatures. Configuration can be done in either LiveView or
the meter display interface, using the Installer Setup Password 141.
The low temperature-0% limit defines the temperature at which the controller will stop providing
battery charging current. The high temperature-100% limit defines the lowest temperature at which
the controller will deliver 100% of the controller’s rated output charging current. Charging current is
tapered linearly from 100-0% between high and low temperature settings
High-Temperature Current Foldback (100%, 0%) - low and high temperature settings
Use this setting to define the bounds of charge current reduction due to high battery temperatures.
Using the Installer Setup password, configuration can be done in either LiveView or the meter
display interface using the Installer Setup Password 141.
The high temperature-0% limit defines the temperature at which the controller will stop providing
battery charging current. The low temperature-100% limit defines the highest temperature at which
the controller will deliver 100% of the controller’s rated output charging current. Charging current is
tapered linearly from 100-0% between low and high temperature settings
1) Voltage Only - only voltage-related values are adjustable
2) State-of-charge (SOC) ONLY -
availability depends on system configuration
3) State-of-charge (SOC) and Voltage - both SOC and voltage values are adjustable.
depends on system configuration
4) Always On - load terminal voltage is never interrupted-disabled
In Custom overlay #3, the user can enter state-of-charge Disconnect and Reconnect percentages,
that will disable and enable the load terminal voltage based on battery charge levels. In Custom
overlays #1 and 3, the user can enter load terminal High Voltage Disconnect and Reconnect (HVD
and HVR) values that will disable and enable the load terminal voltage based initially on a user
selected high battery voltage. This setting is useful for batteries that easily damaged with high
4.2.5 Charger
(Installer Setup)
Also refer to LiveView or meter map for all custom settings options.
Solar Input Mode
MPPT (default)
Allow the controller to use its TrakStar Maximum Power Point Tracking algorithm to
determine the optimal solary array voltage operating point.
Fixed Vmp
- Disables the MPPT algorithm and uses the specified value as a static source voltage
operating point.
Voltage to %VOC
- Disables the MPPT algorithm and instead uses a percentage of measured input
source open-circuit voltage as the static voltage operating point. Open-circuit voltage (Voc) of the
input source is measured by the controller periodically.
Battery Bank Info
• Battery capacity in Amp-hours. Capacity is used for some charging functions.
• Battery current limit, and whether a Shunt Block is required measurement
• Optional setting to enable a BMS Block for closed-loop battery management
• Optional setting to require an RTS for temperature compensation
Battery Charge Settings
Warning: Equipment Damage
I Improper
battery charge settings can severely damage batteries. Take great care when
applying any charging settings.
See Section 5.2 for descriptions of many charging settings, and, "Installer Setup", below, for
additional variable descriptions.
Define the charging parameters for the battery. Choose a standard charging preset from a range of
batteries, OR enter a custom profile if needed.
Copy to Custom
copies the values in the Standard
Profile column to the Custom Profile column. Use this feature to start with a standard charging profile
that is close to the desired configuration, copy to custom, and then edit the values for a specific
charging application.
Preset options are described in Section 5.2.2. Refer to the battery manufacturer's documentation for