Keeping the Door Unlocked
As the machine is equipped with the door lock device, the door is automatically locked when
closed. However, the door is not closed completely and not locked with the door lock prevention
key turned to CCW. Use the door lock prevention key when performing maintenance work only.
Under normal conditions, remove the key at the lock position and store it.
When the door is closed, it is automatically locked and cannot be
opened from the inside of the machine (inside of the door).
Invalidate the door lock by turning the door lock prevention key;
remove the key and carry it when entering the machine to perform
maintenance work.
Turn the coin lock key, remove the key and carry it as shown in
figure B above when entering the machine to perform maintenance
work. If the door is closed by mistake while the door lock device is
effective, an operator may be trapped in the machine.
If the machine is started while you are inside the machine, you will
be entangled with the rotating part or crushed between sliding parts
to be seriously injured.
Insert any suitable key in your possession into the hole in the coin
lock lever.
Door lock prevention key
Figure A: Door Lock Device