Rev. 1.0
TSM24P User Manual
5.4 Getting Ready for Tuning
Before testing a servo-system a few more parameters need to be entered. These include the Max
Speed, Acceleration and Distance (or time) requirements of the sample move. The proper profile
shape of the move is needed to operate the load in the same way as what will be expected during
online operation. Accelerating the load quickly may induce significant ring into the motion profile.
Accelerating slower and going to a higher velocity can minimize the ringing. The best profile for
a given move is sometimes arrived at more through experimentation than hard calculation. Step-
Servo QuickTuner provides easy entry of the profile parameters plus a display of the profile for
The mechanical system should be set up as close to the
final configuration as possible so that the tuning represents
what will be expected. The critical components include the
coupler, mechanical interface ,and similar frictional and
inertial loads. As tuning can sometimes be an uncontrolled
process where the mechanical system can be damaged,
care must be taken to minimize this possibility. This could
include having limit sensors or mechanical stops that help
to prevent such damage.
Step-Servo Quick Tuner contains a sampling Oscilloscope
that will display of variety of measurements of an executed
move. Two plots can be displayed at one time and contain
the real-time information about the move performance.
Before performing the test move, make sure the desired
move information is selected. This can include the typical
information such as
Actual Speed
Position Error
but also can include the
Supply Voltage
that the power supply can be monitored for proper voltage during the move.