RS232 Tab
Click the HEX radio button to specify that your RS-232 command will be in hex
format or click the ASCII radio button to specify that your RS-232 command will be
in ASCII format.
Use the pull-down list box next to the Baud Rate label to select the speed at which
your RS-232 command is sent. You can select 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400,
57600, and 115200 baud.
Use the pull-down list box next to the Command Ending label to select the
termination for your RS-232 command. You can select NULL, CR, LF, or CR+LF.
Type your RS-232 command into the Command field, then click the Send button to
send the command using the selected format, baud rate, and termination settings.
See the
RS-232 COMMANDS section for a list of valid RS-232 commands.
Click the Cancel button at any time to clear all entries.