Congratulations on your purchase of a Mojave Audio MA-37 Multi-pattern Vacuum Tube
Condenser Microphone. Your MA-37 was carefully designed and constructed using only the
finest materials. The MA-37 microphone is capable of delivering superb performance and,
with minimal care, will do so for many years. Your MA-37 was thoroughly tested and given a
24-hour factory burn in prior to shipment.
The MA-37’s capacitor capsule and electronics are adapted from mid-1950’s design practice. The
MA-37 utilizes a European-made EF-86 vacuum tube and a Lundahl audio output transformer
wound to our specifications. By utilizing modern components, the microphone system emulates
the performance of “classic” tube microphones without using esoteric, unreliable, or hard to find
The MA-37 is guaranteed to perform as specified and is suitable for recording even the most
demanding music, provided that the microphone is used sensibly.
For optimum performance from your microphone, please read this manual thoroughly and
familiarize yourself with the proper use of the MA-37.
Carefully unpack your MA-37 and verify that all of the accessories included with the
microphone are accounted for. Do not discard any packing materials! If anything is missing or
damaged, contact your dealer or Mojave Audio immediately.
Items included with the MA-37 are:
1. MA-37 microphone inside a pelican-style carrying case.
2. AC operated microphone power supply.
3. 20-foot premium microphone cable with 5-pin male and female connectors.
4. AC power cable for power supply - molded IEC business machine type with plug.
5. Rugged carrying case for all above items.
Verify that the serial number of your MA-37 matches correctly with the one on your receipt. The
MA-37 serial number can be found on the silver ring found just above the base. When
corresponding with Mojave Audio about your microphone or when service is required, we will
need to know the serial number, so keep it handy.