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MX-DoorMaster: Quick Install
Security Door Opener with
Access Code Storage
Controls door openers via encrypted MxBus
communication and provides a doorbell for indoor
installation (includes backup power supply for
bell features and door opener)
Standard Connection:
MX-DoorMaster with
IP Video Door Station, Door Opener and Door Sensors
Installing the MX-DoorMaster
Installing the module follows the procedure described in the
IP Video Door Station System Manual Part 1, in Section
2.5, “Installing the MX-DoorMaster”. Please also refer to this section to get more information on connection variants
(e.g. relay or Mediator operation).
Charging the Battery Pack after Installing
Once you have installed the module, you need to charge the MX-DoorMaster's battery pack without interruption
for at least 12 hours. The IP Video Door Station and its PoE power supply automatically charge the module via
the MxBus two-wire connection. Note that you should not use the door opener MX-DoorMaster during this time
(except for a short functional test). This ensures that you can extend the life cycle of the high-quality NiMH battery
pack (heavy-duty industrial grade) to several years (given normal usage).
Supported Door Openers
Standard door openers with 6 to 12 V AC (min. 16 Ω internal resistance) can be attached directly to the MX-DoorMaster;
such a door opener is powered by the integrated battery pack. In this case, you do not need an additional power
supply for the door opener. As an alternative, you can also connect door openers with up to 24 V AC/DC (max. 1 A)
using an external power supply (relay operation) or a self-locking door lock (“Mediator”; see
IP Video Door Station
System Manual Part 1, Section 2.5, “Installing the MX-DoorMaster”).
Replacing the Battery Pack
First, dismount the MX-DoorMaster (see the
IP Video Door Station System Manual Part 1, Section 2.4.6, “Removing
and Exchanging Modules”). Next, replace the battery pack and install the MX-DoorMaster again (see Section 2.5.4,
“Installation Using Cavity or In-Wall Socket”).
Replacing the MX-DoorMaster
If the MX-DoorMaster needs to be replaced against all expectations, you need a current backup of the system
configuration. This will ensure that you can restore the encryption data later on. Please follow the steps outlined in
IP Video Door Station System Manual Part 2 in Section 5.2, “Backup & Restore”. To dismount the MX-DoorMaster,
follow the steps in the
IP Video Door Station System Manual Part 1 in Section 2.4.6, “Removing and Exchanging
• Open door, doorbell off/on, change sound
• Door indicator (open, closed, locked)
• Status LEDs for signaling
• Backup power supply with rechargeable battery
• Connection for door opener, door sensor and door lock
includes 2 additional frames
(concave, angular), cavity wall socket
and mounting supply
MxBus (YSTY 0.8 mm – max. length: 50 m)
Theft protection (YSTY 0.8 mm – max. length: 50 m)
Door opener, door sensor, lock sensor
(YSTY 0.8 mm – max. length: 50 m)
IP Video Door Station
For additional information on the other connection variants and for installing,
see the
IP Video Door Station System Manual Part 1
on www.mobotix.com > Supprt > Manuals.
Connector for battery pack
OUT 1+
Theft protection /
Door opener
Theft protection
IN –
OUT 2+
Door sensor /
Door lock sensor
Door opener
IN 2+
Door lock sensor
MxBus +
IN 1+
Door switch
MxBus –