Cinematic Focus XR
Cinematic Focus XR provides a seamless
focus control with LED stages. The system
takes advantage of the existing geometry
defined for nDisplay and camera pose given
by StarTracker. Allowing focus pullers to use
it naturally regardless of whether an object
is real or virtual. It is currently compatible
with Preston FIZ system.
Preston FIZ system with:
Preston MDR3
Hand unit 3 or 4
- Mo-Sys additionally provides cabling
needed for the control. MDR3 needs a
firmware update to
version 1.130
- Install the FTDI drivers, so a USB Serial
Port appears in the Device Manager:
Connect the serial cable to the Preston MDR
4 pin Lemo serial. On the other end plug it
to the
Primary Render Node
USB port.
Configure the serial port in Device Manager
and take note of the COM port number.
Apply the following settings:
Bits per second: 115200
Data bits: 8
Parity: none
Stop bits: 1
Flow control Xon/Xoff
Advanced settings,
BM Options, Latency Timer 2 msec
Preston FIZ Setup
Setting up the FIZ system is out of the scope
of this manual. Please refer to Preston’s
documents for more information. It can be
found here:
After power up the system will try to find
end stops of the lens. It is a part of the
Make sure to map focus to the lens
reading distances. This can be done in
both imperial and metric units.
VP Pro XR Software Setup
Open the Unreal project on
Render Node
Verify a collision profile is setup in Project
settings -> Collision -> Object Channels.
There should be a custom Object Channel
. Create one if missing.
Add a new component on