Holmstrupgårdvej 250, DK8210 Århus V
It is important to read this manual before installation and use of MJ-Bus seatbelt as well as
the advice given on the safety and use followed to ensure the optimal utilization of the MJ-
Bus Belt.
MJ-Bus belt is designed for use in the positioning of PWD that causes uncontrolled
movements, or for active persons who run the risk of leaving the seat in a vehicle, -the
standard safety belt, which may cause a risk of falling or ejection during transport.
The MJ-Bus belt is designed and tested in accordance with DS/EN ISO 10525:2007
Personnel lifting for disabled persons – Requirements for test methods.
The test is performed as a static test, the specified person weight for use is 110 kg.
MJ-bus belt is used in connection with a seat with backrest which is attached to the vehicle.
MJ-Bus seatbelt designed for use by children and adolescents.
MJ-Bus seatbelt is NOT a safety belt, but a positioning belt to ensure the child's proper
location on the seat.
MJ-Bus seatbelt be used for any purpose other than described, the CE marking and
warranty are only valid to the manufacturer's written approval.
Table of Contents
CE Declaration of Conformity.
The use
Use with harness pillow, harness pillow with backrest and safety seat.
5. Warranty