3.2 Rotation/travel direction selection [G] [WG]
Target object
The following shows the objects in which the polarity is reversed by the setting of [Polarity (Obj. 607Eh)] and by the settings of
[Pr. PA14] and [Pr. PC29.3].
• [Target position (Obj. 607Ah)]
• [Target velocity (Obj. 60FFh)]
• [Target torque (Obj. 6071h)]
• [Position demand value (Obj. 6062h)]
Available on servo amplifiers with firmware version B6 or later.
• [Position actual value (Obj. 6064h)]
• [Velocity demand value (Obj. 606Bh)]
Whether to reverse the polarity with [Polarity (Obj. 607Eh)] can be set by setting one of the following values in [Pr. PC76.2
Internal command speed POL reflection selection].
Available on servo amplifiers with firmware version A5 or later.
"0": Automatic setting (POL setting enabled)
"1" (POL setting enabled): The polarity is reversed with [Polarity (Obj. 607Eh)].
"2" (POL setting disabled): The polarity is not reversed with [Polarity (Obj. 607Eh)].
• [Velocity actual value (Obj. 606Ch)]
• [Torque demand value (Obj. 6074h)]
• [Torque actual value (Obj. 6077h)]
• [Current actual value (Obj. 6078h)]
Available on servo amplifiers with firmware version B6 or later.
• [Position offset (Obj. 60B0h)]
Available on servo amplifiers with firmware version A5 or later.
• [Velocity offset (Obj. 60B1h)]
Available on servo amplifiers with firmware version A5 or later.
• [Torque offset (Obj. 60B2h)]
Available on servo amplifiers with firmware version A5 or later.
• [Positive torque limit value (Obj. 60E0h)]
With the settings of [Pr. PA14] and [Pr. PC29.3], the corresponding servo parameters are changed as follows:
• [Negative torque limit value (Obj. 60E1h)]
With the settings of [Pr. PA14] and [Pr. PC29.3], the corresponding servo parameters are changed as follows:
• [Digital inputs (Obj. 60FDh)]
The corresponding status is changed in accordance with the setting of [Pr. PA14] as follows:
[Pr. PA14]
[Pr. PC29.3]
Supported servo parameter
1 (disabled)
[Pr. PA11 Forward rotation torque limit]
0 (enabled)
1 (disabled)
0 (enabled)
[Pr. PA12 Reverse rotation torque limit]
[Pr. PA14]
[Pr. PC29.3]
Supported servo parameter
1 (disabled)
[Pr. PA12 Reverse rotation torque limit]
0 (enabled)
1 (disabled)
0 (enabled)
[Pr. PA11 Forward rotation torque limit]
[Pr. PA14]
Negative limit switch (bit 0)
Positive limit switch (bit 1)
LSN (Reverse rotation stroke end)
LSP (Forward rotation stroke end)
LSP (Forward rotation stroke end)
LSN (Reverse rotation stroke end)