4.1 Tough drive function
Tough drive function
Tough drive function is a function that allows the operation to continue without stopping the device, even when an alarm would
occur normally. This function also features the vibration tough drive and the instantaneous power failure tough drive.
Vibration tough drive
Vibration tough drive function is a function to: 1) prevent vibration, as the mechanical resonance frequency changes due to
aging of the machine; and 2) instantaneously reset the filter when machine resonance occurs. For details, refer to "Vibration
tough drive" in the following manual.
MR-J5 User's Manual (Adjustment)
Instantaneous power failure tough drive
The instantaneous power failure tough drive function avoids the occurrence of [AL. 010 Undervoltage], even when an
instantaneous power failure occurs during operation. Operating continuously without stopping the system is feasible. When
the instantaneous power failure tough drive activates, the function will increase the tolerance against instantaneous power
failure using the electrical energy charged in the capacitor in the servo amplifier and will change an alarm level of [AL. 010
Undervoltage] simultaneously. The [AL. 010.1 Voltage drop in the control circuit power] detection time for the control circuit
power supply can be changed with [Pr. PF25 SEMI-F47 function - Instantaneous power failure detection time (instantaneous
power failure tough drive - Detection time)]. In addition, [AL. 010.2 Voltage drop in the main circuit power] detection level for
the bus voltage is changed automatically.
• MBR (Electromagnetic brake interlock) is on during the instantaneous power failure tough drive.
• When the load of instantaneous power failure is large, [AL. 010.2] caused by the bus voltage drop may occur regardless of
the set value of [Pr. PF25 SEMI-F47 function - Instantaneous power failure detection time (Instantaneous power failure
tough drive - Detection time)].
• The external dynamic brake cannot be used when complying with the SEMI-F47 standard. Do not assign DB (Dynamic
brake interlock) to the output device. If DB is assigned, the servo amplifier switches to servo-off status when an
instantaneous power failure occurs.
• When complying with the SEMI-F47 standard, [Pr. PF25] does not need to be changed from the initial value (200 ms).
When the instantaneous power failure time exceeds 200 ms, and if the instantaneous power failure voltage is less than 70
% of the rated input voltage, the normal power off may occur even if a value larger than 200 ms is set in the servo
Setting method
Set [Pr. PA20.2 SEMI-F47 function selection] to "1" (enabled).
To set the time until the occurrence of [AL. 010.1 Voltage drop in the control circuit power], use [Pr. PF25 SEMI-F47 function -
Instantaneous power failure detection time (Instantaneous power failure tough drive - Detection time)].
To extend the time until the occurrence of [AL. 010.2 Voltage drop in the main circuit power], set [Pr. PA26.0 Torque limit
function selection at instantaneous power failure] to "1" (enabled).
SEMI-F47 function selection
Enable or disable the SEMI-F47 function.
0: Disabled (initial value)
1: Enabled
Torque limit function selection at
instantaneous power failure
Enable or disable the torque limit function at instantaneous power failure.
0: Disabled (initial value)
1: Enabled
SEMI-F47 function -
Instantaneous power failure
detection time (instantaneous
power failure tough drive
detection time)
Set the time until the occurrence of [AL. 010.1 Voltage drop in the control circuit
Initial setting: 200 [ms]