3.5 Stroke limit function [A]
When the movable range is not limited
On a system configuration without the limited movable range, such as a conveyor, set LSP/LSN to be automatically turned on.
As the signal is set to be always turned on, the servo motor does not stop with the stroke limit. This can be set from the "Basic
Setting" of "Digital I/O" on MR Configurator2.
Stop method at stroke limit detection
When LSP (Forward rotation stroke end)/LSN (Reverse rotation stroke end) is turned off, the servo motor stops in accordance
with the setting of [Pr. PD30.0 Stop processing selection at LSP/LSN signal off].
In MR Configurator2, a stop method can be selected in "I/O Setting".
When the stroke end is detected, perform the following return methods. If the home position is erased, perform homing.
Servo parameter list
The settings related to the stroke limit function can be performed directly with the servo parameters. Perform the settings as
required. For pin number of the input device pins and the corresponding servo parameters, refer to the following.
Setting value of [Pr. PD30.0]
Quick stop (initial value)
Slow stop
Control mode
Return method
Position control mode
Input the position command of the direction opposite to the limit.
Speed control mode
Input the speed command of the direction opposite to the limit.
[AL. 099 Stroke limit warning]
Enable or disable [AL. 099 Stroke limit warning].
When "Disabled" is selected, [AL. 099 Stroke limit warning] does not occur when LSP
(Forward rotation stroke end) or LSN (Reverse rotation stroke end) is off, but the
stroke limit does still stop the operation.
0: Enabled (initial value)
1: Disabled
Input signal automatic ON
LSP (Forward rotation stroke end) and LSN (Reverse rotation stroke end) can be set
to "Disabled" (use for an external input signal.) or "Enabled" (Automatic on).
Initial value: 0h (Disabled (Use for an external input signal.))
PD03 to PD14,
PD17 to PD22,
PD43 to PD46
Assign LSN or LSP to the specified pin in CN3.
In the initial setting, LSP is assigned to the CN3-43 pin, and LSN is assigned to the
CN3-44 pin.
At LSP/LSN signal OFF - Stop
processing selection
Select the stop method at the stroke limit signal detection.
0: Quick stop (initial value)
1: Slow stop
Magnetic pole detection - Stroke
limit enabled/disabled selection
Select whether to enable or disable the stroke limit function during magnetic pole
0: Enabled (initial value)
1: Disabled