Spline interpolation
Spline interpolation cannot be executed if the spline file name is changed with the
RT ToolBox2 File Control screen or Microsoft Windows Explorer, etc.
Do not change the name of the spline file.
Click menu [File]
When editing an existing spline file, the edited details are saved in the target spline file.
When creating a new spline file, the same action as when [Save As] is clicked will take place.
Click Spline File Edit Close button
When the [×] (Close) button at the upper right of the Spline File Edit screen is clicked, a confirmation dialog
will appear.
Fig.7-65:Save confirmation dialog
When the [Yes] button on the confirmation dialog is clicked, the edited details are applied on the spline file
and saved.
When editing an existing spline file, the edited details are saved in the spline file and the Spline File Edit
screen will close.
When creating a new spline file, the Spline file save screen will open.
When the destination spline No. is selected from the spline file list and the [Save] button is clicked, the
edited details are saved in the spline file, and the Spline File Edit screen will close. When the [Cancel] button
is clicked, the Save screen will close without saving the details and the Spline File Edit screen will open.
If the [No] button on the confirmation dialog is clicked, the edited details will be discarded and the Spline File
Edit screen will close.
If the [Cancel] button on the confirmation dialog is clicked, the details will not be saved and the Spline File
Edit screen will open.
The details edited and saved on the Spline File Edit screen are not applied on the
spline file unless they are saved. Save the edited changes into the spline file often
while editing.
Spline file save destination folder
The spline files in the personal computer are managed in workspace project units. The save destination
folder is Workspace work folder\project name\Spline.
Spline file name
The spline file name is determined by the following format.
SPLFILE**.SPL (Uppercase fixed)
The spline No. 01 to 99 is set in "**". This corresponds to the MvSpl/EMvSpl commands argument's
<Spline No.>.
On the Spline File Edit screen, the file is displayed with a spline No. from 01 to 99, and there is no need
to worry about the file name.