Detailed explanation of Robot Status Variable
Return the maximum value of the differences between the estimated torque and actual torque while the col-
lision detection function is being enabled.
<Joint Type Variable>
Specify a joint type variable to be assigned.(Joint type variable will be used
even if this is a pulse value.)
<Mechanism Number>
Enter the mechanism number. 1 to 3, If the argument is omitted, 1 is set as the
default value.
[Reference Program]
1 M1=100
'Set the initial value of the allowable collision level of each axis.
2 M2=100
3 M3=100
4 M4=100
5 M5=100
6 M6=100
7 ColLvl M1,M2,M3,M4,M5,M6,,
'Set the allowable collision level of each axis.
8 ColChk On
'Enable the collision detection function.
(Start the calculation of the maximum value of torque error.)
9 Mov P1
50 ColChk Off
'Disable the collision detection function.
(End the calculation of the maximum value of torque error.)
51 M1=J_ColMxl(1).J1+10
'For each axis, the allowable collision level with a margin of 10%
is calculated.
(10% is a reference value for the reference program and not an
actual guaranteed value.)
52 M2=J_ColMxl(1).J2+10
53 M3=J_ColMxl(1).J3+10
54 M4=J_ColMxl(1).J4+10
55 M5=J_ColMxl(1).J5+10
56 M6=J_ColMxl(1).J6+10
57 GoTo 70
Example) <Joint Type Variable>=J_ColMxl [(<Mechanism Number>)]