Detailed explanation of command words
Wth (With)
A process is added to the interpolation motion.
Describe the process to be added. The commands that can be described are as follow.
1. <Numeric type data B> <Substitution operator><Numeric type data A> [Substitute,
signal modifier command (Refer to
[Reference Program]
1 Mov P1 Wth M_Out(17)=1 Dly M1+2
' Simultaneously with the start of movement to P1, the out-
put signal No. 17 will turn ON for the value indicated with
the numeric variable M1 + two seconds.
(1) This command can only be used to describe the additional condition for the movement command.
(2) An error will occur if the Wth command is used alone.
(3) The process will be executed simultaneously with the start of movement.
(4) The relationship between the interrupts regarding the priority order is shown below.
Com > Act > WthIf(Wth)
Example) Mov P1 Wth[]<Process>