8. Maintenance
MiR Shelf Lift Operating guide (en) 12/2019 - v.1.0 ©Copyright 2019: Mobile Industrial Robots A/S.
8. Maintenance
The following maintenance schedules give an overview of regular cleaning and parts
replacement procedures.
The stated intervals are indicative and depend on the operating environment
and frequency of usage of the robot.
Only use approved spare parts.
Mobile Industrial Robots disclaims any and all liability if unapproved spare
parts are used. Mobile Industrial Robots can not be held responsible for any
damages caused to the robot, accessories or any other equipment due to use
of unapproved spare parts.
8.1 Regular weekly checks and maintenance tasks
Once a week, carry out the following maintenance tasks:
Maintenance tasks
Top plate and sides
Clean the MiR Shelf Lift on the outside with a damp cloth.
Do not use compressed air.
8.2 Regular checks and replacements
The following table contains the parts you should check and in which intervals:
If slack or unusual noises start to
occur, replace the actuators with
approved spare parts from MiR.
Actuators last for approximately
60.000 fully loaded lift cycles.