5. Commissioning
MiR Hook 100 Operating guide (en) 02/2020 - v.2.1 ©Copyright 2016-2020: Mobile Industrial Robots A/S.
Figure 5.8. The accuracy of MiR Hook 100.
Each cart is identified by its QR-marker. If several carts share the same QR-marker, the
carts must be identical, and the QR-marker must be placed /- 5 mm precision on all
5.4 Safety precautions when operating with carts
Each individual application of MiR Hook 100 requires its own safety evaluation.
The robot cannot detect objects between the robot and the cart, and it cannot detect objects
behind the cart (the robot does not reverse as part of the route; however, it can reverse
when parking a cart). For the same reason, it is not possible to drive more than one cart at a
time. In other words, it is not allowed to chain carts together.
Two sets of depth cameras are installed at the front of MiR100. These are used to detect
objects at a maximum height of 1800 mm and a maximum distance of 1950 mm. The
cameras do not detect object within 50 mm of the lenses.
When driving with a cart, the maximum speed of the robot is 1.5 m/s.