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Displaying and reading spirometry results
Once the FVC test has been
completed. the spirometry results
are displayed. The screen shows
parameters selected in the settings
relating to the best test among
those performed in the session,
and the percentage ratio compared
to predicted values. Scroll through
the parameters area to view any
other parameters set.
Interpreting spirometry results
The interpretation of spirometry refers to Forced Vital Capacity (FVC) and is seen by
means of indicator lighting.
The messages can include the following:
Normal spirometry
Slight obstruction/restriction
Moderate obstruction/restriction
Moderately severe obstruction/restriction
Severe obstruction/restriction
Very severe obstruction/restriction
The final interpretation level is "restriction + obstruction", where the indicator light
indicates the worst parameter between restriction and obstruction.
Thanks to a mathematical analysis known as quality control that is applied to some indices
and parameters calculated in FVC tests, the
device can produce different
comments that help to understand the reliability of tests carried out.
The quality control system uses letters as described below:
1st case: PRE test
A = at the end of two acceptable tests, the variation of the two highest FEV1 values and
the two highest FEV6 values are less than or equal to 100 mL.
B = at the end of two acceptable tests, the variation of the two highest FEV1 values is
between 101 and 150 mL
C = at the end of two acceptable tests, the variation of the two highest FEV1 values is
between 151 and 200 mL
D = only one test was acceptable or there is more than one acceptable test but the variation
of the two highest FEV1 values is greater than 200 mL