27 Simple Network Time Server
Time Zone:
Select the time zone where the SNMP-NV6 card is installed.
Primary/Secondary Time Server:
The SNMP-NV6 card searches both of the Time
Servers and follows the first reply server’s time. The card synchronizes with the Time
Server every hour.
Enable Daylight Saving:
This option is used to setup a daylight saving time. During the
period of daylight saving time, the SNMP-NV6 card will add 1 hour automatically. Manual
If it is not possible to connect to a Time Server then the only way to adjust the system
time is manually configure the date and time.
The system date and time will be reset to the assigned date/time if the SNMP-NV6
card is restarted.
5.4.7 Syslog
This menu allows the administrator to set the SNMP-NV6 card’s syslog. The syslog feature is
used to store the event log to a remote syslog server. This feature does not affect the local
event log.
5.4.8 Batch Configuration
If you are the administrator and you have finished configuring one of the SNMP-NV6 cards,
you can copy the same configuration to the other SNMP cards by distributing the
configuration files.
You should only delete the lines which you don’t want to distribute and if the IP
address is static then you must delete the line of IP address = in the [System]
section. The batch configuration can also work through the FTP.