Management: Event Action
This allows the administrator to setup specific actions based on a selected event. The RPM can also receive
SNMP traps from a specified device and then perform the selected action.
When the current for entire RPM exceeds the Warning or Overload thresholds the RPM will perform
the action setup under the Action.
When the current for an individual outlet exceeds the Warning or Overload thresholds the RPM will
perform the action setup under the Action.
When the temperature or humidity exceeds the thresholds the RPM will perform the action setup under
the Action.
Receive Trap:
When the RPM receives a trap from the specified device the RPM will perform the action setup
under the Action. Enter the specific trap OID information and the IP address of the device sending the trap to
the RPM.
The RPM will perform the action based on the configured event.
Once the Event and the Action have been setup click Add to saving the settings.
To setup the thresholds for the Device, the Outlets or the ENV, see the Management Threshold section.
Event Address List
provides a list of all of the configured events. To delete an event select the box in front
of the event then click Delete.