1. Make sure camera is completely clean and dry.
2. Lift back-cover release tabs, twist backcover release knobs and open back cover (p.
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3. After installing and checking battery (p. 25), insert film cartridge (p. 30), and press
back cover securely into place and lock it (P. 22).
4. Operate film advance lever repeatedly until first exposure locks in place and the lever
will not move (p. 32).
5. Check and/or clean lens cover glass and set focus for your subject (p. 38).
6. Look through eyepiece and compose subject in viewfinder (p. 36). Depress shutter
release slightly; if red lamp in finder lights at * sun symbol, turn control to (cloud
image) cloud symbol. If it lights at cloud symbol, turn to r' flash symbol and take
picture within flash range when lamp begins to pulsate (p. 50). Always squeeze shutter
release smoothly.
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