Totalizing application printout (= parts and weight total printout)
N: 25
TOTAL: 248 g
124 pcs
MAX: 22 g
11 pcs
MIN: 4 g
2 pcs
Number of items, here: 25
Totalized value of the weights
Totalized value of the parts
Maximum value as weight
Maximum value as quantity
Minimum value as weight
Minimum value as quantity
10.2 FCC notice
This device has been tested and found to comply with the limits for digital devices of
class B as per part 15 of the FCC regulations. These limits were created in order to ensure
appropriate protection against interference when operating in residential areas. This
device generates, uses, and may emit high-frequency energy and, if it is not installed
and used in accordance with the operating instructions, may cause interference with
radio communication. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in
certain facilities. If this device causes interference with the radio or television reception,
which can be determined by switching the device off and then back on again, we
recommend one or more of the following measures to eliminate the interference:
Realignment or repositioning of the reception antenna
Increasing the distance between the device and the receiver
Connecting the device and the receiver to separate electric circuits
Call in the dealer or an experienced radio/television technician
10 Appendix
Compact scale Puro® LargeCount
Minebea Intec