Mindspeed Technologies
Mindspeed Proprietary and Confidential
1.0 Introduction
This user guide describes how to use the M21125/M21115 evaluation module (EVM). The M21125 is a 40 input by
40 output crosspoint switch and the M21115 is a 20 input by 20 output crosspoint switch rated to operate up to 3.8
Gbps. The EVM is a demonstration and test platform that enables system developers and product designers to
quickly evaluate the functionality and performance of the M21125 and M21115.
The EVM is a single PC board that provides access to 16 lanes of the crosspoint switch (XPTS). One group of four
lanes is accessed via HDMI connectors, another group of four lanes is accessed via DVI connectors, and the
remaining two groups of four lanes are accessed via SMA connectors. The HDMI and DVI connectors are DC-
coupled to allow for direct connection to cables interfaced to TMDS sources and sinks. The SMA connectors are
AC-coupled to enable connections to laboratory test equipment such as generators and analyzers. The EVM is
powered utilizing the supplied AC adapter, and controlled with on-board DIP switches. Note that when the EVM is
populated with a M21115 component, the HDMI connectors cannot be used.