GenICam Standard
4CXP Camera
page 23 of 70
Configure Your 4CXP Camera
4CXP cameras are based on the CoaXPress V1.1 specification. CoaXPress itself uses elements of the
GenICam standard to configure and control a camera. GenICam assumes that the camera uses a flat
register layout for configuration. Suppose, you want to change the exposure time, you have to write
the according value to the camera register representing the exposure time in hex values (e.g.
page 37).
GenICam Standard
The goal of GenICam is to provide a generic programming interface for all kinds of cameras. No
matter what interface technology the cameras are using or what features they are implementing, the
application programming interface (API) should be always the same
.” (
GenICam Specification)
GenICam consist of three parts:
generic API (application programming interface) for cameras
recommended names and features of compliant devices
transport layer to be supported by any compliant frame grabber to transport camera data
into the application
With CoaXPress, the GenICam standard allows a direct connection between the software layer and
the camera. This means any CoaXPress camera and frame grabber can be used with this
standardized programming interface.
GenAPI allows the application software to communicate with the camera and read and write values
/ camera parameters. Every camera has therefore to be equipped with an "electronically readable
manual" to provide access and allow the GenAPI to:
read camera information and establish a connection to the frame grabber (
control acquisition of images (
Acquisition Control on page 37)
reset the camera (
Device Control on page 43)
read or set the image format (
Image Format on page 44)
select a user set (
User Set Control on page 51)
configure gain and blacklevel (
Analog Control on page 53)
use custom features of the frame grabber (
Custom Features on page 54)