CAMMC301x-RG / 2020
ASCII commands instruction set
Free run with electronic shutter
3.9.2 Free run with electronic shutter
In free run mode the frame rate and shutter time can be selected
with camera settings. Depending on tap mode and the size of the ROI
the frame rate can be set from 1 to 120,000 fps and the exposure
time can be set from 2 µs to 1 s.
3.9.3 Pulse width mode
In this mode an external signal starts the exposure and the exposed
image is output immediately after the exposure ends. Exposure time
is defined by the width of the external EXP (CC1) signal. The exposure
of the next image can be started while the last image is transferred
or at a later time.
3.9.4 External sync with internal timer
In this mode an external signal starts the exposure and the exposed
image is output immediately after the exposure ends. Exposure time
is defined by an internal timer. The exposure of the next image can be
started while the last image is transferred or at a later time.
3.10 Miscellaneous commands
3.10.1 In-frame counter
If a sequence of frames is to be recorded for a long time at a high
frame rate, it can be useful to mark the images for later identification
or check for completeness. The camera provides a 32 bit image
counter that can replace the first four pixels of every image. It is
incremented by every new image.