Mier Products’ Wireless Drive-Alert Sensor/Transmitters detect changes in the magnetic field
(movement of metal) within 14’ in every direction, based on a sedan traveling 5mph. Therefore, they
will not false-alarm from animals, wind, rain, etc. The Transmitter electrical boards are epoxied and also
encased in a durable, weather-sealed, NEMA 4X box for worry free weather and corrosion protection.
They are able to detect through standard building materials such as brick, stone, vinyl siding, etc. so in
many drive-up window applications they may be installed inside the wall next to the drive. They are
powered by two AA batteries, Lithium are recommended, and include circuitry to transmit a low-battery
condition to Mier’s Drive-Alert Control Panel/Receivers when batteries begin to run low.
The Sensor (aka: probe or wand) portion of any of these Sensor/Transmitters should be placed next to
the drive or area to be monitored, and at least 50 feet from any road traffic to prevent false alarms (see
next page). The Sensor should be parallel to the drive. Any movement of the Sensor will cause an alarm
for asset protection (ex. a tractor, a trailer, gas pump, etc).
The range from the Transmitter to the Control Panel/Receiver is 500 feet if placed on the ground, up to
1000’ if mounted 2-4’ high on a wood or concrete post (never metal posts) or a convenient building, and
up to 3/4-mile if a DA-660 Reception Booster Antenna is used. (See the Long Range Options page to
learn more about the booster antenna, adding repeaters, or adding additional control panels)
If occasional false alarms occur, or you are not detecting some vehicles, you can try re-locating the
Sensor, or you can reduce sensor sensitivity. There is a small blue sensitivity pot on the electrical board.
Maximum sensitivity adjustment is clockwise and minimum is counter-clockwise (note arrow direction).
Reducing sensitivity would reduce detection of road traffic, but would also reduce the detection
sensitivity in the driveway. (See next two pages for directions)
Lightning strikes cause a large disturbance in the magnetic field, so nearby strikes will cause an alarm.
It is also possible for electrical current variations in nearby power lines to cause an alarm.
The address codes for these Sensor/Transmitters, as well as the Control Panel/Receivers are pre-set
at the factory. However, if a unique address code is needed (e.g. interference from a neighbor’s Mier
wireless Drive-Alert) you can change the address codes making sure you do so in both the Sensor/
Transmitter AND the Control Panel/Receiver so they are different than factory spec, but still match one
another. (See next page for directions)
The Differences between Mier’s three Sensor/Transmitter Choices:
* DA-610TO Sensor/Transmitter: Both the Sensor and the Transmitter are contained in the same NEMA
4X enclosure. (See photo at the top left) This unit is standard with complete systems.
The DA-611TO Remote-Sensor/Transmitter: The Sensor is outside the Transmitter Box, and attached
to the Transmitter by a 50’ cable (cable lengths up to 2500 feet are available). This allows the sensor
probe to be buried under or next to the driveway or area to be monitored, and the transmitter box to
be hidden up to 50’ away or placed high above ground for a better range. The sensor should be
buried 6-12 inches below ground and the cable 3-6 inches below ground. Mier HIGHLY RECOMMENDS
burying the cable in 1/2-inch PVC pipe to protect it. Try the Sensor and Transmitter locations above
ground for a week, before burying the Sensor and cable.
The DA-612TO Dual Remote-Sensor/Transmitter: Just like the DA-611TO, but with 2 external sensors.
Detection-distance from the sensor for a standard-size modern sedan moving 5MPH
Maximum sensitivity
14 feet
17 feet
Factory set sensitivity
13 feet
16 feet
75% sensitivity
11 feet
14 feet
50% sensitivity
9 feet
12 feet
Minimum sensitivity
7 feet
10 feet
DA-611TO installation with the Sensor
buried under the drive and the
Transmitter hidden/mounted on a
nearby tree.
Wireless Drive-Alert Sensor/Transmitter Installation Guide
DA-610TO installation with the Sensor/
Transmitter hidden under landscaping
next to the driveway.
800-473-0213 ~ [email protected] ~ www.mierproducts.com