Loading the machine
– Arrange the load so that water can
access all surfaces. This ensures
that they get properly cleaned.
– Do not place items to be cleaned
inside other pieces where they may
be concealed.
– Hollow instruments must be
throughly cleaned, internally and
– Ensure that instruments with long
narrow hollow sections can be
flushed through properly before
placing them in inserts or connecting
them to jets.
– Hollow vessels should be inverted
and placed in the correct baskets
and inserts to ensure that water can
flow in and out of them unrestricted.
– Deep-sided items should be placed
at an angle to make sure water runs
off them freely.
– Tall, narrow, hollow items should be
placed in the centre of the baskets to
ensure better water coverage.
– Lightweight items should be secured
with a cover net (e.g. an A 6) and
small items placed in a mesh tray to
prevent them blocking the spray
– Mobile units or baskets with an
adapter must engage correctly.
– The spray arms must not be blocked
by items which are too tall or which
hang down in their path.
– It is advisable to use instruments
made of surgical steel only, as these
are not susceptible to corrosion.
– Nickel plated instruments and
coloured anodised aluminium
instruments are not suitable for
machine processing.
– Plastic items must be thermally
– Disposable instruments must not be
processed in the machine.
Preparing the load
Empty all containers before loading
into the machine (paying particular
attention to regulations regarding
infectious diseases and epidemics).
Ensure that acids and residual
solvents, especially hydrochloric
acid or chlorides, do not get into the
wash cabinet.
Loading instruments
Contaminated instruments can be
placed directly in the machine without
pre-treatment (no soaking required).
Areas of application