Last update: 2018/04/30 18:00 mididocs:seq:beginners_guide:start
Printed on 2019/10/22 16:44
for randomisation, but in principle randomiser will work with any type of layer that's available.
The Force To Scale option on the MODE page is particularly useful for randomised note layers. For
details on Force To Scale, see section 6.2.
6.4. Euclidean rhythm generator
The Euclidean rhythm generator (ERG) allows you to create rhythms very easily, and change them
afterwards with normal track editing. Changing the settings on the ERG page changes the contents of
the track immediately, so be careful so as not to lose anything you want to keep.
The ERG works best for Drum type tracks, but in principle it can be used for Note type tracks as well.
It can be found in the main menu, or with EDIT + GPB13–14 or in the main menu.
6.4.1. Euclidean rhythm generator for Drum type tracks
On the ERG page, track length can be changed within the maximum length (this is the same setting
as on the LENGTH page, and the value will be copied between pages). On the right LCD, there's
another length setting, which sets the length of the loop (GPK9).
Along with the loop length setting, there's Pulses, which will place the set number of pulses (or gates)
over the length of the loop (repeating the pattern over the whole track). For example, if the loop
length is 16 steps and the number of pulses is 4, a pulse will be placed each four steps. In principle,
any number of pulses will be divided over the given loop length, though in practice a large number of
pulses will quickly become impossible to place, if the loop is very short.
Normally each series of pulses starts in the first step of the track, but this can be changed with Offset
(GPK11). Offset setting simply inserts that many empty steps in the beginning of the track before the
first pulse.
If the loop is shorter than the set track length, the loop will be written onto the track as many times
the track length allows. For example, if track length is 16 steps and loop length 13 steps, the loop's 13
steps fit once into the 16 steps of the track; then 3 more steps from the beginning of the loop still, but
then the track length runs out. The resulting pattern of 16 steps will be written on the track over it's
whole lenght, not just the set length. Thus, a track of 16/64 will be written four times with the same
13+3 pattern.
If the loop is longer than the set track length, only what fits into the track length will get repeated. For
example if track length is 16 steps and loop length is 20 steps, only the first 16 steps of the loop will
be repeated. If the track is 16/64, this truncated 16-step pattern will be written on the track four
Offhand it might not make sense to use loops longer than the set track length. However, because the