Chapter 3: Using the Web Interface
By default, any access to the PDU via HTTP is automatically redirected to HTTPS. You can disable this redirection if
To change HTTP or HTTPS port settings:
Choose Device Settings > Network Services > HTTP.
Enable either or both protocols by selecting the corresponding 'Enable' checkbox.
To use a different port for HTTP or HTTPS, type a new port number.
Important: Different network services cannot share the same TCP port.
To redirect the HTTP access to the PDU to HTTPS, select the "Redirect HTTP connections to HTTPS."
The redirection checkbox is configurable only when both HTTP and HTTPS have been enabled.
Special note for AES ciphers:
The PDU's SSL/TLS-based protocols, including HTTPS, support AES 128- and 256-bit ciphers. The exact cipher to use is
negotiated between the PDU and the client (such as a web browser), which is impacted by the cipher priority of the PDU
and the client's cipher availability/settings.
Tip: If intending to force the PDU to use a specific AES cipher, refer to your client's user documentation for information on
configuring AES settings. For example, you can enable a cipher and disable the other in the Firefox via the "about:config"
Configuring SNMP Settings
You can enable or disable SNMP communication between an SNMP manager and the PDU. Enabling SNMP
communication allows the manager to retrieve and even control the power status of each outlet.
You may need to configure the SNMP destination(s) if the built-in "System SNMP Notification Rule" is enabled and the
SNMP destination has not been set yet. See
To configure SNMP communication:
Choose Device Settings > Network Services > SNMP.
Enable or disable "SNMP v1 / v2c" and/or "SNMP v3" by clicking the corresponding checkbox.
The SNMP v1/v2c read-only access is enabled by default. The default Read Community String is 'public.'
To enable read-write access, type the Write Community String. Usually the string is 'private.'
Enter the MIB-II system group information, if applicable.
sysContact - the contact person in charge of the system
sysName - the name assigned to the system