Chapter 3: Using the Web Interface
Note: Unmanaged sensors or dry contacts will disappear from the web interface after they are no longer physically
connected to the PDU. To manage a sensor/dry contact, see Peripherals (on page 56).
Finding the Sensor's Serial Number
A RLNK-TEMP or RLNK-CONT sensor package has a serial number tag attached to its underside.
The serial number for each sensor or actuator appears listed in the web interface after each sensor or actuator is detected
by the PDU. Match the serial number from the tag to those listed in the sensor table.
Identifying the Sensor Position and Channel
The PDU can indicate where each sensor or actuator is connected on the Peripheral Devices page.
Both the sensor port number and its position in a sensor chain appears.
For example,
Port 1, Chain Position 2
If a sensor/actuator contains channels, such as a contact closure or dry contact sensor, the channel information is
included in the position information.
For example,
Channel 1