Chapter 3: Using the Web Interface
Setting Data Logging
The PDU can store 120 measurements for each sensor in a memory buffer. This memory buffer is known as the data log.
Sensor readings in the data log can be retrieved using SNMP.
You can configure how often measurements are written into the data log using the Measurements Per Log Entry field.
Since the PDU’s internal sensors are measured every second, specifying a value of 60, for example, would cause
measurements to be written to the data log once every minute. Since there are 120 measurements of storage per sensor,
specifying a value of 60 means the log can store the last two hours of measurements before the oldest one in the log gets
Whenever measurements are written to the log, three values for each sensor are written: the average, minimum and
maximum values. For example, if measurements are written every minute, the average of all measurements that occurred
during the preceding 60 seconds along with the minimum and maximum measurement values are written to the log.
Note: The PDU's SNMP agent must be enabled for this feature to work. See Enabling and Configuring SNMP (on page
193). In addition, using an NTP time server ensures accurately time-stamped measurements.
By default, data logging is enabled. You must have the "Administrator Privileges" or "Change PDU, Inlet, Outlet &
Overcurrent Protector Configuration" permissions to change the setting.
To configure the data logging feature:
Choose Device Settings > Data Logging.
To enable the data logging feature, select the "Enable" checkbox in the General Settings section.
Type a number in the Measurements Per Log Entry field. Valid range is from 1 to 600. The default is 60.
Verify that all sensor logging is enabled. Logging is divided into sections of the page based on sensor types. You can
also click Enable All at the bottom of the page to have all sensors selected.
You can also click the topmost checkbox labeled "Logging Enabled" in the header row of each sensor type section to
select all sensors of the same type.
If any section's number of sensors exceeds 35, the remaining sensors are listed on next page(s). If so, a pagination bar
similar to the following diagram displays in this section, which you can click any button to switch between pages.
Click Save. This button is located at the bottom of the page.
Important: Although it is possible to selectively enable/disable logging for individual sensors on the PDU, it is NOT
recommended to do so.