Doc. N°
Copyright 2010 - Microener
5. Output Relays
Five output relays are available (R1, R2, R3, R4, R5)
a) - The relays
are normally deenergized (energised on trip); these output relays are user
programmable and any of them can be associated to any (one or more) of the IM30-AB's functions.
One relay eventually associated to the instantaneous element of one of the functions, after pick-up,
normally drops-out as soon as the tripping cause disappears (current below the set trip level).
If the current remains above the trip level longer than the time delay programmed for the time delayed
element of the some function, the drop-out of the instantaneous relay is anyhow forced after an
adjustable waiting time [tBF]. (Diasactivation of the blocking output eventually used to block a relay
upstream in the distribution system). The timer tBF is also started at any time the relay R1 picks-up and
any relays R2, R3, R4 can be programmed to be energized at the end of the delay tBF (Breaker Failure
Reset of the output relays associated to any time delayed function can be programmed to take place
“Automatically” (tFRes= A) as soon as the tripping cause has disappeared, or “Manually” (tFRes= M)
only by operating the ENTER/RESET key on relay’s front or via the serial bus.
It has to be remarked that the programming structure does not allow to associate the same relay at the
same time to instantaneous and delayed elements. Therefore any relay already associated to any time
delayed element cannot be associated to any instantaneous element and viceversa.
b) - The relay
, normally energised, is not programmable and it is deenergized on:
internal fault
power supply failure
during the programming
6. Serial Communication
The relays fitted with the serial communication option can be connected via a cable bus a fiber optic bus
for interfacing with a Personal Computer (type IBM or compatible).
All the functionalities that can be operated locally (for example reading of input measurement and
changing of relay’s settings) are also possible via the serial communication interface.
Furthermore the serial port allows the user to read event recording and stored data.
The unit has a RS232 / RS485 interface and can be connected either directly to a P.C. via a dedicated
cable or to a RS485 serial bus, allowing having many relays to exchange data with a single master P.C.
using the same physical serial line. A RS485/232 converter is available on request.
The communication protocol is MODBUS RTU (only functions 3, 4 and 16 are implemented).
Each relay is identified by its programmable address code (NodeAd) and can be called from the P.C.
A dedicated communication software (MSCom) for Windows 95/98/NT4 SP3 (or later) is available.
Please refer to the MSCom instruction manual for more information Microelettrica Scientifica.