Doc. N°
Copyright 2016
FW: 1211.37.06.x
14. Password
This password is requested anytime the user wants to write in the “Settings” menu a command of the
“Commands” menu.
The default password is “1111”
When password is required, proceed as follows
The Display shows the message “Password ????”
to select 1
digit (1-9)
to validate
to select 2
digit (1-9)
to validate
to select 3
digit (1-9)
to validate
to select 4
digit (1-9)
to complete procedure.
The “password”
is required any time you attempt to modify one of the programmable variables at the first
entrance in the
“Settings” and/or “Commands” menus
The “password”
remains valid for 2 minutes from the last operation of the programming buttons or until the
button is pressed to return to the default display (RT Meas).
Once the Password has been entered,
a “#”
appears before the variable that can be modified.
14.1 - MS-Com Password
This password is requested anytime the user wants to send to the relay a setting parameters modification or
to issue a command through the relay itself using the managing software MSCom.
The user can decide whether inserting his own password (see MS-Com Operational Manual) or keeping the
password disabled just clicking on the OK button when the password is requested.
15. Maintenance
No maintenance is required. In case of malfunctioning please contact Microelettrica Scientifica Service or the
local Authorised Dealer mentioning the relay's Serial No reported in the label on relays enclosure.
16. Power Frequency Insulation Test
Every relay individually undergoes a factory insulation test according to IEC255-5 standard at
2 kV, 50 Hz 1min. Insulation test should not be repeated as it unusefully stresses the dielectrics.
When doing the insulation test, the terminals relevant to serial output, digital inputs and RTD input must always
be short circuited to ground. When relays are mounted in switchboards or relay boards that have to undergo
the insulation tests, the relay should be isolated. This is extremely important as discharges eventually tacking
place in other parts or components of the board can severely damage the relays or cause damages not
immediately evident to the electronic components.