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MICRODYN BIO-CEL XS-1 Pilot Plant Manual // Revision: A // Date: Jul. 25, 2018
Safety & Warning
This operations and maintenance (O&M) manual highlights certain potential hazards related to
handling, operation and maintenance of the equipment. The intent of this chapter is to
supplement any safety and health standards that are applicable to the facility in which the
equipment is being used. The manual does not cover the full spectrum of published safety and
health standards that are mandated by law. Consequently, users should not assume that they
are responsible only for those standards referenced in this manual or that those standards quoted
are current. The user of this manual is responsible for ensuring that their own safety program and
operation and maintenance procedures comply with all applicable safety rules, regulations and
standards in accordance with prudent industry standards. In the event that the safety
recommendations in this manual conflict with local safety and health laws, regulations and/or
standards, the user is encouraged to follow the more stringent standard or law.
Safety Guidelines
It is highly recommended to follow the safety guidelines provided in this manual, to comply with
applicable local safety rules, regulations and standards or to operate and maintain the equipment
according to prudent industry practices. Failure to follow these safety guidelines, local safety
rules, regulations and standards may result in a potentially hazardous situation. The severity of
the potentially hazardous situations highlighted in this manual have been indicated using the
symbols listed below.
DANGER indicates an imminently hazardous situation. If not avoided, it may
result in death, serious injury, or equipment damage.
WARNING indicates a potentially hazardous situation. If not avoided, it may
result in death, serious injury, or equipment damage.
CAUTION indicates a potentially hazardous situation. If not avoided, may
result in injury or equipment damage.
- PRESSURIZED DEVICE: Improper installation, operation or maintenance of the
equipment, including but not limited to the membrane units, electrical system and piping may
result in loss of life, severe bodily injury and/or property damage. Please read and understand all
equipment guidelines provided before attempting to open, operate or service the equipment.
Failure to follow these instructions and observe precautions may result in malfunction and
catastrophic failure. Misuse, incorrect assembly or use of damaged or corroded components may
result in serious injury.
Certain operating situations require the use of chemicals and other hazardous
substances. Material safety data sheets (MSDS) should be provided by chemical suppliers and
all instructions therein should be adhered to. Safety briefings for the operating personnel should
be carried out by plant health and safety personnel. Always use caution and wear the correct
personal protective equipment (PPE) when handling chemicals.
Comply with all pressure and temperature limits specified in the technical data sheet
when operating membrane products.
The use of chemicals that are not approved or in concentrations higher than those
specified, may cause premature failure of the equipment, including the membrane products.
Do not perform any equipment or membrane maintenance unless the system control
power is OFF, the pump starters are OFF, lock out/tag out procedures have been followed and
internal pressure has been relieved from the equipment. Failure to do so may result in serious
injury or death.
Do not drink treated water. Treated water is not potable.
The membranes should not be allowed to dry out. The membranes must remain wet
at all times including when the equipment is shut down or for maintenance. Dried out membrane
may result in irreversible membrane damage.