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MICRODYN BIO-CEL XS-1 Pilot Plant Manual // Revision: A // Date: Jul. 25, 2018
Shut-Down and Transport
In shutting-down the MICRODYN BIO-CEL
XS-1 pilot plant before transport the following steps
should be followed:
1. End the control program and switch off the control cabinet.
2. Disconnect the power line to the pilot plant
3. Drain the filtration tank and dispose of the sludge through proper channels.
4. Rinse and clean all tanks and pipes with permeate water.
5. Stabilize the module with a preservative solution (see MICRODYN BIO CEL
Operation and
Maintenance manual).
6. Empty all tanks and pipes totally
all valves must be open during transport (hand valves and motor valves)
7. Prepare the pilot plant for transportation and inform MICRODYN-NADIR
NOTE: Don´t ship the pilot plant without conformation of MICRODYN-NADIR .