Figure 5-2. Custom Service Flowchart
Configuring and Loading the Custom Environment Service
The ATBTLC1000 Host driver provides the following set of GATT functions that allows it to push and
update the service descriptions in the ATBTLC1000 SRAM memory.
Before starting this assignment, be sure to follow the steps mentioned in
Establishing Connection with Central Device
at_ble_status_t at_ble_primary_service_define(
at_ble_uuid_t *uuid,
at_ble_handle_t *service_handle,
at_ble_included_service_t *included_service_list,
uint16_t included_service_count,
at_ble_characteristic_t *charactristic_list,
uint16_t charactristic_count);
– Defines a new primary service along with its included services and characteristics in
ATBTLC1000 module.
Uuid [In]
– primary service UUID
service_handle [Out]
– service handle is returned here
included_service_list [In]
– array of included service references
included_service_count [In]
– number of elements in included_service_list
charactristic_list [In/Out]
– an array of characteristics included in the service, this array
is update with respective characteristics handles.
– number of elements in charactristic_list
Setting up and Handling Custom Service
2017 Microchip Technology Inc.
Training Manual
DS00002599A-page 38